3 Reasons You Should Hire A Disability Insurance Claims Lawyer When Appealing Your Claim
While receiving a denial letter in the mail after applying for disability insurance can be devastating, there are two facts that you should know. The first fact is that getting a denial letter is quite common when initially filing for disability benefits. The second fact is that you have the right to appeal this decision. If you choose to appeal the denial in your case, you should consider hiring a disability insurance claims lawyer to help you through this process. Below you can learn more about three of the reasons why hiring a lawyer can be so beneficial in these cases.
#1: Successfully Appealing Your Claim Can Prevent You From Losing Back Pay
Most disability claims will be backdated to the day of your application even if it takes several months for your case to be decided. Consequently, it is quite common for people to collect a large upfront sum when their claim is finally approved. Unfortunately, if your claim is denied and you choose to file a new claim rather than appealing the original decision, you will lose your right to any back pay you may have been entitled to under your original claim. Hiring a disability claims lawyer to help you successfully appeal the denial in your case will allow you to still collect this back pay.
#2: An Appeal Hearing Follows Many Of The Same Rules As Court Proceedings
While an appeal hearing is heard by an administrative judge rather than a traditional judge, many of the same rules of procedure are followed during these hearings as are used in a traditional courtroom. This includes procedures for witness testimony and presenting evidence. In order to increase your chances of successfully winning your appeal, you will need to ensure that your case is presented in a way that complies with all procedures. A disability insurance claims lawyer will have the experience and knowledge necessary to accomplish this goal and ensure that your case is not dismissed due to issues when presenting evidence.
#3: You Truly Have Nothing To Lose By Hiring A Disability Insurance Claims Lawyer
One of the primary reasons that many people hesitate when it comes to hiring a disability lawyer is because they are not sure that they can financially afford these services. If this is a concern for you, you should know that you really have nothing to lose by hiring a disability claims lawyer. This is because these legal professionals routinely take cases on a contingency basis. This means that you will pay absolutely nothing for their services unless they win your case.
Reach out to a disability insurance claims lawyer in your area for more information.